Fair Compare Fitness & Membership Management Software

Building a top fit body? You have to sweat for that. Finding a Fairly Priced Fitness Software? That should be sweatless. At AppyBee, we make sure you don't pay too much for software that doesn't suit your business. If AppyBee is not your perfect match, you will not be left with unnecessary costs. Now that's fitness for your wallet!

Annual contracts vs. monthly subscriptions: who will win the marathon?

Annual contracts can surprise you, just like a cramp during your last sprint. Forgot to cancel on time? There you are, stuck with a year full of costs that you would rather spend on other things.

At AppyBee, we run this marathon differently. Our subscriptions can be canceled monthly, which means that you are not tied to us for a year. Would you rather pay in one go per year? Then you will receive a substantial discount from us. It almost feels like a refreshing after workout shake!

Only pay for what you actually use

Many of our customers tell us that they used to pay as much as $200 a month for software that didn't fit their business. That's like paying for a protein shake you don't like. At AppyBee, we offer a maximum package for only €79 per month. No matches? Then you are not stuck with costs for a whole year.

Compare fitness and member administration software: do it consciously

Whether you run a gym, personal trainer or fitness business, choosing the right administration and booking tool is just as important as your training schedule. Make sure you are aware of your choice, the contract and when you can cancel. A well-prepared athlete counts for two!

Tailor-made packages, without surprises

With many fitness software providers, the costs are based on the number of members or trainers. That's as frustrating as a disrupted workout due to overcrowded gyms. At AppyBee, we do this differently: our packages offer unlimited members and unlimited trainers. The difference is in the functionality. This way you will never be faced with surprises.

At AppyBee we believe in the fitness principle: no pain, no gain. But that pain shouldn't hit your wallet. That's why we use fair, transparent pricing models and make sure you're never stuck with something that doesn't suit you. Compare fitness and membership management software and discover how AppyBee can help your business grow without unexpected costs.

Want to know more about AppyBee?

Discover how AppyBee can help your fitness business to retain more members, avoid spending unnecessary time on your administration and agenda and generate more sales.

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