How does it work
AppyBee demo video of 3 minutes
In this video we show you a demonstration of the AppyBee app. In 3 minutes we show you how your customers can book via your own company app and website in a pleasant and very simple way.
This accessible and simple way of booking has already proven to many users that there is an increase in bookings and satisfied customers.
Old way
Customers call or send you a message via SMS, WhatsApp (group) or email. In other words; across channels and devices.
A new way
Via your AppyBee app or website widget, customers can easily and quickly book their favorite training.
Old result
You have to 'grab together' the bookings and register them manually. If it is busy, you may respond late (angry customer) or forget to process your bookings.
New result
Customers know where to find you and have a great experience. Automatic confirmation emails and reminders reduce no shows. And you don't have to process anything by hand. AppyBee does that for you!
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I receive online payments?
We work together with the reliable payment provider Mollie to process online payments. This allows you to accept iDEAL payments. In addition to online payments, it remains possible to accept and process bank transfers, debit card payments or cash in AppyBee.
Can I import my current customers?
Yes, you can! We are happy to help you import your current customers into AppyBee.
Can I try AppyBee for free?
Yes, you can try AppyBee for free for 14 days and then continue when you have decided that AppyBee is the best product for you.
How long are your contracts?
You can cancel your subscription monthly. We make it simple to start and stop your AppyBee subscription at any time.
Can my messages all be seen in 1 place?
Yes, to make it easy for your customers, they can view all your messages, sorted, in 1 place via your website widget or your own AppyBee app.
Old way
You must keep track of everything correctly and send invoices or payment requests yourself. For example, by post, email, a Tikkie, hand cash or a transfer
Old result
Apart from all the work – sending payments, checking statements, etc. – there are always customers who do not pay (immediately). And so you 'may' go after that. Not exactly your hobby!
A new way
Customers pay in advance or afterwards via your own app or website widget. Do you think it's safe beforehand? With AppyBee you can 'obligate' customers to do so with subscriptions, bundles or one-off payments for individual lessons.
New result
All payments come in 'automagically'. So you don't have to draw up any notes, you don't have to call anyone and you always have your administration in order. Plus: customers know exactly where they stand.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I receive online payments?
We work together with the reliable payment provider Mollie to process online payments. This allows you to accept iDEAL payments. In addition to online payments, it remains possible to accept and process bank transfers, debit card payments or cash in AppyBee.
Can I import my current customers?
Yes, you can! We are happy to help you import your current customers into AppyBee.
Can I try AppyBee for free?
Yes, you can try AppyBee for free for 14 days and then continue when you have decided that AppyBee is the best product for you.
How long are your contracts?
You can cancel your subscription monthly. We make it simple to start and stop your AppyBee subscription at any time.
Can my messages all be seen in 1 place?
Yes, to make it easy for your customers, they can view all your messages, sorted, in 1 place via your website widget or your own AppyBee app.
Old way
Customers call, send you an app/text or e-mail to let them know they are not coming.
Old result
You have to process all cancellations manually, which takes a lot of time, is prone to errors and also has to be handled administratively (cost settlement). Moreover, it often happens that customers cancel last minute.
A new way
Customers cancel via your own AppyBee app or website widget. And immediately see your cancellation policy.
New result
Because your policy is now clear, fewer customers cancel. And if they cancel at all, they are less likely to do so at the last minute. Moreover, you do not have to process cancellations yourself. Finally some time for yourself!
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I receive online payments?
We work together with the reliable payment provider Mollie to process online payments. This allows you to accept iDEAL payments. In addition to online payments, it remains possible to accept and process bank transfers, debit card payments or cash in AppyBee.
Can I import my current customers?
Yes, you can! We are happy to help you import your current customers into AppyBee.
Can I try AppyBee for free?
Yes, you can try AppyBee for free for 14 days and then continue when you have decided that AppyBee is the best product for you.
How long are your contracts?
You can cancel your subscription monthly. We make it simple to start and stop your AppyBee subscription at any time.
Can my messages all be seen in 1 place?
Yes, to make it easy for your customers, they can view all your messages, sorted, in 1 place via your website widget or your own AppyBee app.
Old way
You must manually send a WhatsApp (group) message and/or let us know via Instagram or Facebook that you are unable to attend. In addition, you have to manually refund payments.
Old result
You lose a lot of time and are not sure whether customers have even seen your cancellation. If not, customers may get annoyed. Pretty annoying!
A new way
You send the cancellation through your AppyBee app or website widget. And boom, all customers receive it right away. Also nice: the payments are handled automatically by AppyBee. So no manual work.
New result
You save a lot of time and your customers are all informed at the same time.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I receive online payments?
We work together with the reliable payment provider Mollie to process online payments. This allows you to accept iDEAL payments. In addition to online payments, it remains possible to accept and process bank transfers, debit card payments or cash in AppyBee.
Can I import my current customers?
Yes, you can! We are happy to help you import your current customers into AppyBee.
Can I try AppyBee for free?
Yes, you can try AppyBee for free for 14 days and then continue when you have decided that AppyBee is the best product for you.
How long are your contracts?
You can cancel your subscription monthly. We make it simple to start and stop your AppyBee subscription at any time.
Can my messages all be seen in 1 place?
Yes, to make it easy for your customers, they can view all your messages, sorted, in 1 place via your website widget or your own AppyBee app.
Old way
You ask customers to share their experience with you via text, app or email.
Old result
Some customers cooperate. But a lot of people don't feel like it or forget it. So you don't have a total overview and customers don't feel heard.
A new way
After training, AppyBee automatically sends a review request.
New result
Customers indicate what they thought of it immediately after the lesson. Because this is automated with AppyBee, you don't have to make any effort. Extra benefit: customers know they are being listened to. This is how they feel involved with you and your company!
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I receive online payments?
We work together with the reliable payment provider Mollie to process online payments. This allows you to accept iDEAL payments. In addition to online payments, it remains possible to accept and process bank transfers, debit card payments or cash in AppyBee.
Can I import my current customers?
Yes, you can! We are happy to help you import your current customers into AppyBee.
Can I try AppyBee for free?
Yes, you can try AppyBee for free for 14 days and then continue when you have decided that AppyBee is the best product for you.
How long are your contracts?
You can cancel your subscription monthly. We make it simple to start and stop your AppyBee subscription at any time.
Can my messages all be seen in 1 place?
Yes, to make it easy for your customers, they can view all your messages, sorted, in 1 place via your website widget or your own AppyBee app.
Old way
You send emails, post on Instagram and Facebook and/or keep in touch via WhatsApp and SMS.
Old result
Not all your customers monitor all channels. And so there is a good chance that she will not or only show your messages. For example, if your offer has expired! Another disadvantage: not all expressions are on brand
A new way
You send push messages via your own (and therefore very recognizable) app. Think of YouTube or Vimeo videos, Facebook messages or Instagram posts. AppyBee takes care of it!
New result
All registered customers will receive your messages and offers. And all that information is now in one place. So easy to find! Perfect for your branding and strengthening your corporate identity.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I receive online payments?
We work together with the reliable payment provider Mollie to process online payments. This allows you to accept iDEAL payments. In addition to online payments, it remains possible to accept and process bank transfers, debit card payments or cash in AppyBee.
Can I import my current customers?
Yes, you can! We are happy to help you import your current customers into AppyBee.
Can I try AppyBee for free?
Yes, you can try AppyBee for free for 14 days and then continue when you have decided that AppyBee is the best product for you.
How long are your contracts?
You can cancel your subscription monthly. We make it simple to start and stop your AppyBee subscription at any time.
Can my messages all be seen in 1 place?
Yes, to make it easy for your customers, they can view all your messages, sorted, in 1 place via your website widget or your own AppyBee app.
Old way
You have to go through all kinds of Excel sheets, documents, emails and smartphone messages to get the right information. Who has used a strip card? What about subscriptions? Who paid what at what time? What should be settled or refunded?
Old result
It is quite difficult to see and get a grip on your numbers. And it takes a lot of time to do the accounting. All that looking up, checking and double checking: you look like an administrative employee!
A new way
You can see all accounting information in one click. And in one place. Moreover, with AppyBee you have in-depth information about the financial trends within your company. In detail. And for every period. Forwarding administrative information, for example to your accountant, is child's play.
New result
You know exactly how you turn and which way it goes. Bookkeeping hardly takes any time at all and you send the correct figures to your accounting office. Because with AppyBee you can see what is going well (and less well), you can make adjustments quickly and effectively.
See first, then believe?
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